Learn to download files using mIRC SysReset
To download files you need to have an IRC client installed. You can download our customised mIRC SysReset client (mIRC 6.35 & SysReset 2.55) with security features and fserver browser HERE & learn to set up your own file server HERE.
After installing mIRC, follow the guide below to download files.
Unzip the file mirc.7z into your C:/ directory and open mirc.exe file.
Enter your information in the blanks. DO NOT GIVE YOUR REAL NAME in the Full Name space.
Enter in your e-mail address, then enter in a nickname for yourself. You can enter an alternative nickname which will be used in case the main one is already taken. Hit OK.
You will be automatically connected to irc.rizon.net and entered into the channel #sailormooncenter.
After getting connected type !list in the channel window. Then go to the SysReset menu and choose the option Server Tracker.
A new window will open. You will see a list of servers (by nicknames).
Choose a nick. At the right side you’ll see the triggers.
To enter a trigger double click on it. The Remote Window will open. There you’ll see files and/or directories. You can enter the directories by double clicking on them. To get a file double click on it. To go BACK a folder, double click the “..”.
- Sends: It shows the number of currently sent files/shows the maximum number of files that can be sent at the same time.
- Queues: It shows the number of currently queued files/shows maximum number of files that can be queued. When all the send slots are full you’ll be queued. The number of sent/queued files per user is limited.
- File list: It shows directories and files.
- Sever messages: Click on it to see the rules of server, available commands, welcome message etc.
- Queues/Sends: It shows the current sendings/queues by users. Here you can see your sending(s)/queue(s).
- Remember, if you leave the channel all your queues will be deleted. If you really have to leave please clear your queues by clicking on Clr_Queue (clears one queue; type the number of your queue) or Clr_Queues (clears all your queues). You can find it by clicking on Queues/Sends (5). If you leave the channel without clearing the queues you unable sending the files to the other users (because the server tries to resend you the files that you queued).
If you are interested in sharing your files with other people, you can learn to set up your own File Server HERE. Please be aware of the #SMC Serving Rules before offering your files. Type !rules in our IRC channel for more information.
Learn to set up a file server using mIRC SysReset
Please be aware of the #SMC Serving Rules before offering your files. If you want to set up a fserver (file server), you need to have SysReset installed first. You can download it here (then install it in the same directory as mirc) or download our fully configured version of mIRC + SysReset with security features (mIRC 6.35 & SysReset 2.55).
After installing it, you should see the menu SysReset in the mIRC window.
Open the SysReset menu and go to File Server Manager.
A new window will open with Transfer Manager tab shown as first. This tab will show you your own sends and queues for each queue pool once you set up your own file server. (Queue pools are displayed in the Pool column, and usually there is only one, the Default pool. The Items Queued column displays queued items. The buttons to the right of it are pretty much straight-forward. The Transfers section displays the number of sends going at the moment.)
Choose Server Config tab. The file server creation process actually begins here.
Steps (options):
- You can switch here from Queue Options view to File Server Options, and vice versa.
- Here you can set maximum number of simultaneous sends:
- Per User — number of sends for each user,
- Total — number of all sends.
- This option enables you to set maximum number of queue slots:
- Per User — number of queues for each user,
- Total — number of all queues.
- This option prioritises users, mainly ops (@), hops (%), and voices (+). They are placed in better (lower) queue slots. It’s better to enable these two options. (They should be ticked as in this window.) Here you can also add normal users that you want to be prioritised.
- Send controls:
- Instant Send: If the file is smaller than the specified value, the send will start automatically without queueing (ignoring other send and queue limits).
- Max File Size: Maximum file size that can be sent.
- Min CPS/Send: Determines the minimum speed of sending. If the current speed is lower than the minimum CPS the send will stop.
- Max CPS/Send: Determines the maximum speed of sending.
- Determines minimum speed of sends per pool.
- If the send fails for whatever reason, you can try to re-send it.
- Resend Attempts: Specifies the number of times your server will try to re-send file.
- On send failure: When re-sending a file, your server will either attempt again immediately (Resend Immediately) or place it at the beginning (Place in Queue Slot 2) or end of the queue (Place at End of Queue).
- When somebody enters your file server a DCC chat window opens. Some people don’t close it by themselves, so you can make it close itself. Just enable it and put the time in seconds. After this time period, DCC chat window will close by itself.
- Determine maximum number of users that can open your server at the same time.
Now go to File Server Triggers tab.

- Click Add button. Enter the trigger name, then click OK. This is what people will type to access your file server.
Once you have entered your trigger name a new window will open. Here if you want, you can choose a text file that contains welcome messages. The contents of this file would be displayed when someone logs into your server. If you don’t want it, click Cancel.
Now you have to choose a directory with files that you want to share with others. Then click OK. Please note that from now on the selected folder (together with any other files or subfolders it contains) will be visible to anyone with access to your server.
You will return to the File Server Triggers tab. Your trigger name will now appear in Fserve Trigger List field.
- These two options should be enabled. Generally they make the trigger visible for the other users and the channel.
- Here you can put your server ad message. Basically you can enter whatever you want here, for example: “Serving Sailor Moon S dual audio & Stars sub .avi COMPLETE” &c.
- Here you can determine what users can access your server:
- No restrictions — pretty self-explanatory; it is normally set up by default,
- Voiced and Opped Users — only voiced (+), half-opped (%) and opped (@) users can enter it,
- Opped Users Only — only opped (@) users have acces to your file server.
- If you want your server to be available only on chosen channels, click Add and enter the channel name (starting with #). This option is trigger dependant, i.e. you have to click on the trigger list to assign channels.
- If you want it to be available on all channels, tick this box.
- This option enables other users to see your server’s triggers after they type !list in the channel. This should be activated.
- Type in the time you want the ad to be shown in the channel. The higher number, the better, as it is usually better not to “spam” the channel with frequent advertising.
Now you can click Done button.
Now you just have to turn your server on. Go to SysReset in the menu, choose Servers Active, then one of the first four items:
- On: Turns the file server on and displays server ad in the channel window within the time frame specified in Ad Delay section.
- Silent with !list: Turns the file server on, but it does not allow the ad to be displayed in the channel window. Users can see your ad when they type !list and type your trigger to get on, however. If you ever want your file server ad to be shown in the channel, right click the channel window, select Force Advertise, and then Fserve [This Chan].
- Totally Silent: Turns the file server on. However, neither users can see your add even if they type !list, nor you can force advertise. The server is still accessible by typing your trigger.
- Send Only: Turns the file server on, but your server will not respond to anything else while in this mode. This will only finish transferring any files currently in progress or queued.
You can pick the option that you like most, but some channels may prohibit file server advertising. The safest bet is usually Silent with !list.
Now your file server server should be working. You can ask somebody to check it for you. You are not able to do a !list on yourself. Only another user can see your ad unless you chose Force Ad. To turn your file server simply select Off.
Thanks for serving!
Written by Silv288. Revised by 渾沌の天使 Konton no Tenshi.